by Louise Mclean March 2005
(Cover Story in Dutch vitamin magazine ORTHO June 2005).
The EU Food Supplements Directive became law in the European Union in June 2002 and was later transposed into UK law in July 2003. This Directive, if unopposed, could mean up to 5000 products disappearing from independent health food shops across the UK after 1st August 2005.
The Alliance for Natural Health brought its case to the High Court of Justice in London in January 2004 in an attempt to get this highly restrictive Directive referred to the European Court of Justice In Luxembourg. The hearing was successful and Mr. Justice Richards referred the case on to the European Court.
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(Cover Story in Dutch vitamin magazine ORTHO June 2005).
The EU Food Supplements Directive became law in the European Union in June 2002 and was later transposed into UK law in July 2003. This Directive, if unopposed, could mean up to 5000 products disappearing from independent health food shops across the UK after 1st August 2005.
The Alliance for Natural Health brought its case to the High Court of Justice in London in January 2004 in an attempt to get this highly restrictive Directive referred to the European Court of Justice In Luxembourg. The hearing was successful and Mr. Justice Richards referred the case on to the European Court.
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